
Most Richest People in the World 2024. TOP 50 Billionaires List (April)

  Most Richest People in the World 2024. TOP 50 Billionaires List. The world’s Richest People in 2024 — the number of billionaires in the world 2,640 individuals — represent almost $12.8 trillion in wealth. The global billionaire population continued to grow in 2024, increasing by 4%.  Beinsure Media  has collected the  Forbes Billionaires Index  data and presents a ranking of the world’s richest people as 18 April 2024. Billionaires play an outsized role in shaping the global economy, politics, and philanthropy. Details about the calculations are provided in the net worth analysis on each billionaire’s profile page. The individuals on this list belong to an even more exclusive club and wield still more power. Many are founders of technology giants, with much of their wealth still invested in the companies they started. Most people have a pretty good idea, even if they’re not an entrepreneur or interested in the subject at all, for that matter. These billionaires can, however, still bo
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